Working Papers

PLUS or Minus? The Effect of Graduate School Loans on Access, Attainment, and Prices Online Appendices available as NBER Working Paper 31291 (with Sandra Black Lesley J. Turner), Revise and Resubmit, Journal of Political Economy

Coverage: Hechinger Report, Forbes, Business Insider, Texas Standard, Washington Post  

The Graduation Part II: Graduate School Graduation Rates available as NBER Working Paper 32749 (with Lesley J. Turner), Revise and Resubmit, Journal of Public Economics

Coverage: Inside Higher Ed

Student Loans in the United States (prepared for AEFP Live)


Taking It to the Limit: Effects of Increased Student Loan Availability on Attainment, Earnings, and Financial Well-Being American Economic Review, 2023 Pre-publication version  Online Appendices  (with Sandra Black, Lisa Dettling, Sarena Goodman, and Lesley Turner

Coverage: New York Times DealBook

The Effects of Higher Student Loans on Access to High-Earnings Graduate Programs AEA: Papers and Proceedings, 2023 Pre-publication version Online Appendix (with  Lesley J. Turner

Class Rank and Long Run Outcomes Review of Economics and Statistics, 2023, Volume 105, Issue 6, Pre-publication version (with Richard Murphy and Felix Weinhardt)

Coverage: Inside Higher Ed

Winners and Losers? The Effect of Gaining and Losing Access to Selective Colleges on Education and Labor Market Outcomes  American Economic Journal: Applied Economics, 2023, Volume 15, Number 1 , Pre-Publication version (with Sandra Black and Jesse Rothstein)

Coverage: This American Life, The Weeds Podcast, Inside Higher Ed,

The Returns to Hours Worked Within and Across Occupations: Implications for the Gender Wage Gap, ILR Review, 2022, Volume 75, Issue 5, Pre-publication version Online Appendix (with Brian Jacob, Lars Lefgren, and Christian vom Lehn)

Coverage: New York Times Opinion

Decreasing Time to Baccalaureate Degree In the United States  Economics of Education Review, 2022, Volume 90, Pre-publication version (with Eric Eide, Kevin Mumford, and Daniel Sabey*),

Coverage: Brookings Hutchins Roundup

Why Have College Completion Rates Increased?  American Economic Journal: Applied Economics, 2022, Volume 14, Number 3. Data Appendix, Pre-publication version (with Eric Eide, Kevin Mumford, Rich Patterson, and Merrill Warnick*)

Coverage: The Atlantic, Chronicle of Higher Education, Education Next, Washington Post, Inside Higher Ed , Harvard EdCast, Forbes 

Maxed Out? The Effect of Larger Student Loan Limits on Borrowing and Education Outcomes, Journal of Human Resources, 2021, Volume 56, Number 4. Pre-publication version (with Todd R. Jones) 

Nudging at Scale: Experimental Evidence from FAFSA Completion Campaigns, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 2021, Volume 183. Pre-publication version  Online Appendix (with Kelli Bird, Benjamin Castleman, Joshua Goodman, Cait Lamberton, and Kelly Rosinger)

Coverage: Inside Higher Ed, Hechinger Report

Born Under a Lucky Star: Financial Aid, College Completion, Labor Supply, and Credit Constraints  Journal of Human Resources, 2019, Volume 54, Number 3. Pre-publication version Online Appendix.

ProPelled: The Effects of Grants on Graduation, Earnings, and Welfare American Economic Journal: Applied Economics, 2019, Volume 11, Number 3. Online Appendix. Pre-publication version (with Benjamin M. Marx and Lesley J. Turner)

Coverage: New York Times, Wall Street Journal Real Time Economics Blog, KUER NPR Utah, MarketWatch, Higher Education Today, Inside Higher Education

Is Information Enough? The Effect of Information about Education Tax Benefits on Student Outcomes Journal of Policy Analysis and Management, 2019, Volume 38, Number 3.  Pre-publication version Online Appendix. (with Peter Bergman and Dayanand Manoli)

Coverage: New York Times

College on the Cheap: Consequences of Community College Tuition Reductions American Economic Journal: Economic Policy, 2017, Volume 9, Number 2. Pre-publication version Online Appendix.

Coverage: Washington Post, Diverse Education, AEA: Research Highlights,  Diverse Education

Was that SMART? Institutional Financial Incentives and Field of Study Journal of Human Resources, 2017, Volume 52, Number 1. Pre-publication version. (with Patrick Turley).

Works in Progress

Family Ties: The Effects of the Price of College on Parent and Student Finances   (with Palaash Bhargava, Sandra Black, Robert Fairlie, and Oded Gurantz)

The Effects of a DUI on Earnings, and Household Finance (with Benjamin Hansen, Lars Lefgren, Emily Leslie, and Cody Tuttle)

The Effects of Education on Public Assistance and Crime (with Emily Leslie, Jack Mountjoy, and Cody Tuttle)

Teachers, Grading Leniency, and Student Success (with Rachel Nesbit, Nolan Pope, and Merrill Warnick)

Effects of Indigenous Language Instruction (with Randall Akee)

* Denotes student coauthor

Resting Papers

Welfare Effects of Changes in College Pricing  (with Benjamin M. Marx and Lesley J. Turner)